Yahoo! Japan To Close Yahoo! Kukuru, Naver Matome Rip-off

Yahoo! Japan, the largest website in the country, who holds a lot of successful sub-services under its brand, announced today the termination of their Yahoo! Kururu, user-generated summary site. The service launched September 2011, is often called as “Yahoo!’s Naver Matome”, as the service seemed quite similar to the already-successful info-aggregation site Naver Matome. The… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan To Close Yahoo! Kukuru, Naver Matome Rip-off

CyWorld Pulls Out From Japan

CyWorld Japan [J], a Japanese localized version of the most successful social networking service in Korea, CyWorld, announced its withdrawal from Japan in August 2009 [J]. According to the announcement, the direct cause of this shut-down is the operation failure of periodical site maintenance on May 26th. It is explained that the unstable errors after… Continue reading CyWorld Pulls Out From Japan

Web Chat Service Lingr Shutting Down

A web based chat service Lingr announced its closing down at the end of May 2009. We’re sad to announce that Lingr will be shutting down on May 31, 2009. It’s been great pleasure that so many wonderful people have joined and gotten to know each other here at Lingr. We want to give our… Continue reading Web Chat Service Lingr Shutting Down