Face Recognition App Transforms You Into Toyama Curry Mascot

klotho.net [J] has released the iOS version of “\侵略!/ (\Shinryaku/ [Raid]) Curry Chan Camera,” an AR (augmented reality) application for smartphone that allows you to transform into the Toyama Curry Fest [J] mascot character “Toyama Curry Chan” using face recognition.  Download is free.
“Toyama Curry Chan” is the mascot character who offers curry in Toyama dialect saying “Tabete Curry!” (Eat Curry).  “\Raid/ Curry Chan Camera” is an application that automatically recognizes a person’s face through a device’s camera and displays a 3DCG image of Toyama Curry Chan over that face.  It was developed using KDDI’s AR app development tool “SATCH SDK,” and the preceding Android version has been opened to the public.  To use the app, just touch the “Senryaku Kaishi” (Start Raid) on the top screen and aim the camera at someone’s face.  If all goes well, the face will be raided by Curry Chan.

\侵略!/Curry Chan Camera [J]
klotho.net [J]
Translation authorized by VSMedia

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