Mapion [J] under sponsoring by NTT Docomo [J] has announced the release of the location based game “Sekai Magical Daiboken” [J] (World Magical Adventure), which allows Docomo users to play overseas, for a one year fixed term starting September 8th (Thursday).
Currently Mapion offers the cell phone stamp library game “Keitai Kuni Tori Kassen” (Cell Phone Country Taking Battle) which uses location information service, and since its release users have requested that they want to enjoy “Cell Phone Country Taking Battle” not only within the country but also on overseas vacations and business trips. As a result, Docomo began to offer the overseas packet fixed price service “Kaigai Pake Ho-dai” (Unlimited Overseas Packet), an overseas version of a location based game such as “Cell Phone Country Talking Battle” was planned, and thus it was decided that “World Magical Adventure” would be offered.
During the service period from September 8th at 12:00 P.M. to Septerber 7th 2012 at 12:00 P.M. (scheduled), usage will be free (communication packet fees are the user’s responsibility). It is not necessary to already be registered with “Cell Phone Country Taking Battle.”
The target service area will be 29 countries / regions including Japan (21 countries / regions from service launch time, and from October, 8 more countries will be added), and smartphone support is planned from around the beginning of December.
The main point of “World Magical Adventure” is to expand your world view and become the “World Adventure King” while clearing adventure quests in the foreign travel destination’s country / region.
Searching for 60 established spots in the world’s 29 countries / regions, users can get limited overseas avatars and rare items, Coban (the currency in the game), and so on, by registering location information with a cell phone which handles GPS in actual places visited overseas.
In addition, the game also allows “Cell Phone Country Taking Battle” users who complete the reference book adventure quests as well as capture each country’s spot to be bestowed with a castle town background or a “Cell Phone World Taking Battle” avatar which can only be obtained in that particular target country.
”Cell Phone Country Taking Battle” Super Walkthrough Guide Book [J]
Translation Licensed by VSmedia