DigiColle 2010: Akiba’s Univ Students Present Their Research Results & Works

Digital Hollywood was founded in 1994 by Dr. Tomoyuki Sugiyama[J] who had worked as a visiting researcher at MIT Media Lab, and later then it became a university that has grown out of a vocational school.   The university holds an annual conference, which is named DigiColle[J] after Digital Hollywood Collection, to show up research results chosen from many applications by their students.   This year’s one was held in early March.   I’m afraid I’ve been concentrating on catching up the quake-related updates and missed to write about it for almost a month.

At the conference, I could see ten interesting ideas that future techpreneurs were presenting.   Let me expose them to the eyes of the international tech community.   The conference was recorded by the university’s professor and ad planner Takuya Kawai a.k.a. Himanainu[J] (meaning a boring dog) and is available on Ustream.


Timecode (starting at) Presentation
00:11:00 A Story of Bump & Concept
by David Oshima
(3D CG Expression Lab) 
He studied a technology that converts 2D dot images to 3D images and animates them.   His view on the changing of computer graphics technologies is worth a listen.
00:24:00 Sustainable Social Business in A Rural Village of Bali Island
by Kumiko Kobayashi
For over seven years, she has been involved in founding business in the rural village of Timbul, Bali, Indonesia.   In order to grow her business up to a sustainable social business, she compares it with the successful business case of Irodori[J] in Tokushima Prefecture.  For your reference, Irodori is a community-based company producing decoration leaves especially designed for Japanese dishes.   The community used to suffer from depopulation, but the company helps elderly people make a living with their highly intelligent marketing efforts.
00:42:00 Phone Concierge Service for Chinese Travelers Visiting Japan
by Chen Yang
He got an idea of a phone-based concierge and interpretation service called eTravel, which intends to remove language barriers from Chinese travelers during their visit in Japan.   eTravel, an online travel concierge service for Chinese visitors to Japan
01:07:00 Investigating Reasons Why The Featured Two Movies Were Hits
by Toru Kawana and Yohei Miyazawa
(Hit Content Lab) 
By comparing KPIs from movie-related blogs, roadshow promotions and ticket sales, a team of the two guys has investigated the reasons why the two movies of Red Cliff and Ponyo[J] were hits in timeline from their pre-roadshow date to post-roadshow date.   They believe the method is efficient to analyze blogsphere effects spreading out to various content businesses.
01:26:00 Saving Process and Time of CGI (computer graphics imagery) Production with Wirless Virtual Camera by Takashi Kitada (@kitada3_frame
Using a motion capture facility enabling high-speed and accurate detection of a digital video camera, it shows composite motion images on a screen of the camera.
01:33:00 Using ARG (alternative reality game) for Promoting New Movies
by Nami Ikeda
(Media Communication Lab) 
This is a joint project with Warner Entertainment and Domino Pizza.  She studies how social media can deliver positive effects on promoting new movies.
01:49:00 E-Sports Training App
by Kotaro Tsukuma and Toshiki Kakehata (Console Game Produce Lab) 
A team of the two guys are developing an iPhone app that intends to train e-sport skills.  (not yet released on the iTune Store)
02:05:00 Developing a Character Business in Shanghai for Promoting the city’s Sightseeing Business
by Zhu YuanFang 
As China develops in its economy, more people pursue their mental richness.  Character business draws the people’s attention in the country.   In partnership with the city’s local government, he would like to develop new line-ups of souvenirs using the character.
02:21:00 Designing an E-Publishing Flow of Drawing Books for Kids
by Yoshiro Kosuge and Chieko Mori 
Drawing book authors are mostly not familiar with e-publishing.   A team of the two guys worked with those authors and succeeded to create a new type of drawing books that had been never introduced.
02:39:00 Torao[J]: Helping the Primary Sector of Industry Promote Their Products By Social Media Marketing
by Masahiro Takeda
He visited a town of rice fields in Akita Prefecture and worked with young farmers for promoting their direct online sales of rice products with social media such as Twitter. His website Torao[J] is named after the nickname given to guys using tractors for cultivating rice fields.


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