Japanese “Giga Pudding” becomes massive meme on 4chan overnight

Overnight – a Japanese DIY pudding called Giga Pudding has become a massive meme on message-board 4chan. This enormously sized pudding, launched in 2008, contains over 20 servings and requires 1.6 liters of water to make. A promotional web video in which a pudding character endlessly sings “Puddi Puddi” had made the rounds for the past two years on blogs and other social media sites but had never broken through as a full-forced meme.

Inspired this video, moot, the founder of 4chan decided to screw with his users by embedding the video on autoplay in the message board /b/, and instigated a text-filter where all user-submitted text posts were replaced by an endless string of “PUDDI PUDDI”. This forced users to communicate via images and other creative means, temporarily besieging 4chan from Nov 30th to Dec 1st. While it is a forced meme, Giga Pudding is inspiring new image macros and uses similar to the Desu meme including Pikapuddi, Puddibear, and Joseph Ducreux Puddi.

Surprisingly, Japan has a history of oversized pudding that predates Giga Pudding. At a Nagoya restaurant named Samma-tei, you can enjoy a 12 liter pudding [J] for 42,800 yen. Further, making oversized puddings has long been popular with Japanese bloggers as well.  A few example posts where bloggers document their attempt at making bucket-sized puddings can be found here, [J] here, and here [J]. One blogger even made a questionable mannequin made of pudding [J]. Our theory is that these novelty restaurants and bloggers inspired Takara Tomy to create the oversized dessert.
You can purchase Giga Pudding from Rakuten, and learn how to make it here. [J]


“Puri Puri” is a Japanese onomatopoeia which means “Freshly and springy”, often used for food. “Purin” is Japanese word transformed from “pudding”.

Puri Purin Puri Purin
Sugoku Dekkai Giga Purin (Sugoku Dekkai = So huge)
Puri Purin Puri Purin
Kyoumo Pa-ti- Giga Purin (Kyoumo Pa-ti- = Party again today)
Puri Purin Puri Purin
Dekakute Happi- Giga Purin (Dekakute Happi- = Big is happy)
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Minnade Tabeyou Giga Purin (Minnnade Tabeyou = Let’ eat)
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Very Big ni Giga Purin
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Giga Purin!
Giga Purin Giga Purin
Giga Purin!
Puri Purin Puri Purin
Sugoku Dekkai Giga Purin
Puri Purin Puri Purin
Kyoumo Pa-ti- Giga Purin
Puri Purin Puri Purin
Dekakute Happi- Giga Purin
Puri Purin
Giga Purin
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Minnade Tabeyou Giga Purin
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Very Big ni Giga Purin
Puri Puri Puri Puri Giga Purin
Minnade Pa-ti- Giga Purin
Giga Purin Giga Purin
Giga Purin!

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