Japanese Alpinist Streams And Tweets From The Roof Of The World

Japanese alpinist Nobukazu Kuriki[J] (@kurikiyama) keeps tweeting and has uploaded YouTube videos from Annapurna, a series of peaks in the Himalayas, probably it’s those from the highest altitude on the globe in the human history.   Almost a month later, he tries to ski from the top of the peaks (8,091 meter high / 26,500 feet high) with live Ustreaming.
By using a WiFi access point with a satellite data transmitter, he tweets via the iPhone with a number of pictures from his base camp at 4,090 meter high(13,400 feet high) as of today.   When he climbed up Mt. Everest last year, he tried Karaoke and nagashi-somen, a Japanese-style eating cold noodles that flow with water through a bamboo pol.

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