Yahoo! Market Opens For Android By Yahoo! Japan

Yahoo! Japan started its own Android Market, Yahoo! Market [J] on October 9. The market is based on Android applications information from the official Android Market, comes with Android app news provided by several Japanese Android app review media/blogs, such like Octoba, Sumaho-Girl, Andronavi, EX Droid, giveUp de Android, etc. Over 300 reviews per month… Continue reading Yahoo! Market Opens For Android By Yahoo! Japan

Cheating With Japanese Yahoo! Answers Happens At Kyoto Univ Entrance Exam

Today, 26th February in afternoon, one question around Japanese translation to English on Yahoo! Chiebukuro [J], one of Japan’s most popular Q and A service run by Yahoo! Japan, was mentioned on giant bulletin board 2-channel [J] by an anonymous Japanese web users. The following comments (all anonymous) pointed out that the question is identical… Continue reading Cheating With Japanese Yahoo! Answers Happens At Kyoto Univ Entrance Exam