Browser Nail Art By A Geek Japanese Girl

A Japanese blogger Mamipeko made a geeky challenge [J] on a nail art shop [J] in Ebisu, central Tokyo. Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer on her nails, The shop painter lady only knew “e” icon unfortunately. The one most took time to finish was Firefox. Google Chrome and Apple Safari are there, too. Thanks for… Continue reading Browser Nail Art By A Geek Japanese Girl

au BOX: KDDI, Motorola and Opera intro new multimedia terminal in Japan

Yesterday KDDI, one of Japan’s many telecommunications powerhouses, held a press conference in Tokyo to present the so-called “au BOX” to the general public for the first time. “au” is KDDI’s cell phone brand and the reason why the company can call itself Japan’s second biggest cell phone carrier. Based on the Motorola VIP1830 IP,… Continue reading au BOX: KDDI, Motorola and Opera intro new multimedia terminal in Japan