Nikkei Officially Announced Its Digital Version With 4,000 Yen Per Month

As we reported the leaked info last month, Japan’s industrial newspaper Nikkei Shimbun (Nikkei is abbreviation of Nihon Keizai = Japan’s economy) is to begin their paid online version since March 23rd 2010. The service name is “The Nihon Keizai Shimbun Digital Version”, nicknameed “Web-Kan”. This “Kan” means “publish” in Japanese. As rumoured, the subscription… Continue reading Nikkei Officially Announced Its Digital Version With 4,000 Yen Per Month

The Nikkei Newspaper To Begin Paid Online News In March, Multiple Sources Say

Nihon Keizai Shimbun (The Nikkei) [Wikipedia], one of the most influential industrial newspaper in Japan, who had declared its digital version launch plan for this spring on its January 3rd newspaper, seems to set its starting time and fee plan, according to multiple sources. Both February issue of Facta magazine [J, magazine subscription required] and… Continue reading The Nikkei Newspaper To Begin Paid Online News In March, Multiple Sources Say