20.5% Of Japanese Owns 2 Or More Cellphones

On an article “Half Of Japanese Male iPhone Users Keep Their Japanese Cellphone” comments I got a good question from @seanohagan, It would be interesting to see how this number compares to an average Japanese male. What percentage of Japanese men have 2 cellphones? Did the research mention anything about that? He is right. Without… Continue reading 20.5% Of Japanese Owns 2 Or More Cellphones

Faceboook Is Making Japanese Cellphone Dedicated Version

Nikkei Trendy Net reported [J] that Facebook Head of International Growth Javier Olivan told them Facebook’s Japan branch status and their first goal, specially customized site for Japanese cellphone. According to the report, Facebook already opened their Tokyo office on February 2nd, which was announced in last fall (our report). The main task of them… Continue reading Faceboook Is Making Japanese Cellphone Dedicated Version