Japan’s Prime Ministar Begins Blog

Naoto Kan, Japan’s 94th prime minster who took the position this June, enters into the web by his new blog yesterday, November 18th. The blog, named “Kan-full Blog” [J] after his sirname “Kan” and an English word “full”, which shows his full efforts on communication, also has a pun meaning “camphor” to inject for “revitalizing… Continue reading Japan’s Prime Ministar Begins Blog

YAPC::Asia 2009 A Massive Perl Community Event

Following to the LLTV(annual Lightweight Language Conference in Tokyo) and PHP Conference Japan 2009 (Asiajin’s cover), another sub-1000 attendees class web developer conference YAPC::Asia 2009 is being held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. In 2008, LL(Lightweight Languages, which mean scripting languages for web development such like Perl/PHP/Python/Ruby), Ruby, PHP, Perl events were held monthly pace… Continue reading YAPC::Asia 2009 A Massive Perl Community Event