The Head of Japan’s 4th Largest Web Company Arrested By Hosting Porn

Jiji just reported[J] that the Kyoto and other police arrested the president of Osaka-based Home Page System by allowing FC2 users upload obscene videos. Ex-president and a brother of the FC2 founder is also under arrest. Home Page System has been claiming themselves as a PR company for FC2, one of the largest Japanese web… Continue reading The Head of Japan’s 4th Largest Web Company Arrested By Hosting Porn

Veoh Likely Aquired By Japanese FC2

First pointed out by someone on Hatena Anonymous Diary, online video service Veoh‘s ownership seems to be handed over to FC2, a huge but scarcely known Japanese everything-portal. FC2 sent a mail to users, soliciting to use Veoh, as s/he wrote. Veoh’s copyright on footer now has “FC2”. According to the Internet Archive, this copyright… Continue reading Veoh Likely Aquired By Japanese FC2

Ning-like “My Own Social Network” Service So-net SNS Gives Up Their Business

So-net SNS, one of the largest free hosting of user generated social networking services in Japan, announced [J] their termination of service in June. # SNS stands for “Social Networking Service”, which is often used in Japanese when mentioning Mixi, Gree, etc. Some people even use SNS without knowing what it came from. So-net, a… Continue reading Ning-like “My Own Social Network” Service So-net SNS Gives Up Their Business