Japan`s First Social Media Focused Competition Kicks Off

KOBE, September 16, 2012. After successfully holding the 2011 Marketing Competition Japan (MCJ), in which 24 teams from 12 different universities participated, the MCJ committee officially launched MCJ 2012. The organizers of the event expect more than 150 teams from 30 different universities (mostly from Global COE institutions) to compete in MCJ 2012.The competition will… Continue reading Japan`s First Social Media Focused Competition Kicks Off

Follow Up: myGengo Announces First Round of API Lab Winners

Following up our previous coverage of human translation company myGengo’s API Lab, the company has announced its first round of winners for plug-ins created using the myGengo API. So far 6 developers have won cash prizes for their 18 plug-ins that will allow thousands of users to order human translation services from within mobile, browser,… Continue reading Follow Up: myGengo Announces First Round of API Lab Winners