Japan’s Most Annoying Website To Be Shut Down Soon

ITMedia reports that the notorious website of Aiseikai Hospital is planned to be closed within 2 months, a son of the hospital head revealed on his Twitter account @miya_blu_swing. The tweet [J] has been retweeted more than 2,000 times.
The screenshot above can not show you the vividness of the site. You should check it before closed. It is not a joke site or for enlightenment, a real hospital site.
The site has been there around the end of last century, frequently referred as a very bad example of web design in Japanese. Here is a version in 2000 thanks for the Internet Archive and @No_1026 [J]


    1. Do Japanese get good reputation on design? If so that is interesting because when I read Japanese web, Japanese often complain that they are very bad at design and they must look Western designs.

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