Two New Japanese AR Applications With Buildings In Town

AR 3kyoudai(=three brothers) is a Japanese technological unit known by its AR-related projects. Now AR 3kyoudai’s project is to replace a static ad-board on the building wall with video ad.

(The regular ad on the right will be viewed as a video ad on the left when you watch via smartphone.)
With smartphone and the app, your town will look like a big town like Shibuya or Shinjyuku, where gigantic screens are playing video on corners.
Mitsubishi Jisho Residence released “The Parkhouse AR Viewer” for iOS/Android, which displays [J] its building new apartment building in Shinjyuku on screen, though the building itself is still under construction.

The construction site has huge markers on its walls and the potential customers can check how the building will be seen after finished.
The app also realizes 3D models over its brochure.

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