Research: Japanese E-Commerce Sites Expects Twitter The Most For Social Media Promotion

Shibuya-based Mobile web oriented HR agency Sapotant issued a research [J] on what social media buttons Japanese e-commerce websites are displaying to their customers (n=100).

48% of Japanese e-commerce site introduces one or more social media buttons. As shown on the chart, nearly 90% of who do, which is 42% of all, encourages users to tweet their site/products. Facebook Like and Mixi Check buttons follow. Which is not same as the situation in U.S., where Facebook leads and Google +1 is passing Twitter [pdf] (the research counts not only e-commerce websites though).
via Jouhou Kyouyu…Eien no Kadai heno Chousen blog [J]

1 comment

  1. That’s funny. my Japanese coworkers even search for the website of the company they’re working for…

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