A Blogger Taking The Same Vendor Machine Photo For More Than 5 Years

A Japanese blog “Watashi ha Mainichi (no you ni) Jidou Hanbaiki no Shashin wo Totte imasu. Gomen-nasai” [J], which means “I am taking a photo of the vendor machine (almost) every day. Sorry”, is a blog dedicated for the same coca cola vending machine in Sapporo, Hokkaido with over 5 years’ successful story.
The blog started on August 5th, 2005. The blogger Ryuichi Ikeda has been taking a coca cola vending machine about 20 days every month, which seems his working day. Now the number of photos (and the blog posts) are about 1,300, in over 5 years.
On recent entries, you see the photos of the same date in past years. He records all canned and bottled beverages name, quantity and price after photo.
Most of the posts are titled “Henka Nashi”(nothing changed). When any changes happen, he writes how the placement and the sold drink are modified on the day.

Sometimes the blog readers will mail him on unrecorded changes he had overlooked. He also records which cans are changed from hot to cold, cold to hot as seasons change.
The biggest change on this unchanged blog was on 2009-08-07 to 2009-08-08. The original machine,

was replaced with the new one,

According to Ikeda, The new machine supports Edy, one of the most popular e-money available on IC card and cellphone.
On the profile, he states that his least favorite byword is “Endurance makes you stronger”. The favorite vendor machine is “if I have it, I must be a freak”.
He began this blog because “I dislike troublesome tasks and wanted to find easy contents you can update within 5 minutes. I feel angry when there are changes on the vendor machine as it makes me write more”. He also confessed on the 3rd anniversary of the blog that he got this idea on the first death anniversary of his younger sister, who loved foolish and nonsense things.
For the case you want to see higher resolution photos of them, he uploads them on Flickr, too.
There is a fan-made tetris-like game featuring the vendor machine photos from the blog,

See Also:

Japan’s First Banana Vending Machine Debuts In Shibuya
Vending Machines Get More Intelligent, They Recommend You What To Drink


  1. why haven’t you anything to drink ? choose one , making you better feeling!

  2. This blog may FINALLY help me answer the question that has dogged me since I first went to Japan: what day do they switch the temperature of the canned coffees from hot to cold?
    As to why BOSS chose Tommy Lee Jones as a spokesman, we may never know…

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