English Guide For Nico Nico Douga, Part 1: How To Register

It’s been a while since we explained how English speaking users can set up an account for Japan’s super-popular video sharing site Nico Nico Douga (click here for a list of all Nico Nico articles we’ve written so far). A few things changed in the registration process, which is why we thought it’s a good idea to give you a new guide (so please ignore the older version).
(Note: Unlike YouTube, you can’t view videos on Nico Nico without being logged in.)
Please follow the instructions given in English in the screengrabs below to register for the site (click on the pictures to enlarge them). Learn how to use Nico Nico Douga here.
Screen 1 (starting page for logged-out/new users):

Screen 2 (choose between premium and free account):

Screen 3 (email address form – note: hotmail and other services didn’t work, Gmail did):

Screen 4 (registration):

Screen 5 (confirmation):

Screen 6 (notification):

Screen 7 (registration complete – you land here after you click on the link provided in the email):

Screen 8 (Nico Nico top page, logged in as new member):

You’re done!
Again, click here for a guide (in English) on how to use Nico Nico Douga in Japanese.


  1. It’s not letting me get an account! After I click confirm on screen 4 it goes back to screen 1! Why? I’m entering my gmail account and everything!

  2. Hmmm, can I ask something? Seems like I can’t get to anywhere from step2/screen4, I assume it because it missed something and it would probably the security question. Does it require something? And the button in screen4 looks different, but nevermind I figure which one to click.

    1. I checked the registration form and it seems okay (Firefox 3.6, Windows XP). If you see some error messages just above the nickname field(the first box), you might leave some fields invalid. The security question can be anything. Nickname has length check(2 to 16 letters), password is 8 to 16 digits/numbers and location is must.

  3. Hi! Thank you! This is very usefull! Um, just wondering, can you give me a link the the vocaloid rankings? I can’t seem to find them…

  4.  Thank you it worked [site is in English now] but once your signed in it goes back to Japanese. LOL

  5. Hey! I can’t find descriptions to videos. I’m trying to find the motion data link for ‘【MMD】 VOCALOID SUMMER LIVE~右肩の蝶~コンサートPV 【歌ってみた】’ but can’t seem to find the description. Any help is appreciated 🙂

  6. Well, not sure if this post is dead but..for some reason I keep getting this error..I’m not sure what to do..:C
    This URL became invalid because of expiration(24 hours) or already completed registration.
    If you consider it is already expired (24 hours), please restart the procedure from the first page.

  7. Um I just went ahead and tried to use the facebook log in thing and I got through all the registration steps like my password and secret questions but now I’m on a page where it’s asking me for my money. Can anyone help me out.?

  8. Hi! I’m racking my brain trying to figure out how to comment on a nicovideo to ask the up-loader if he can send me an midi of the song “Share The World” the 11th opening of One Piece. here’s the link~ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10886714 any help or insight would be greatly appreciated =)

    1. If you are an registered user, play the video and type your comment in a box at the bottom of the video player, then press the orange button besides it.
      It is unsure if the uploader will notice the comment, though. Good luck.

  9. umm…this is a good guide and it helped me but i was wondering if you knew how to watch live broadcasts on the iphone app??? 

  10. How do I get the videos to run on android? Everytime the video begins to load, it crashes my browser.
    I apologize asking here, but I can’t find anywhere about what to do for it. :
    Thank you very much. _(_ _)_

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