9 iPhones Make Family Matrix Video In Tokyo Park

Tokyo based video bloggers gathered at Yoyogi Park, one of the largest parks in Tokyo, with their iPhone 3GS and made a family movie with bullet time effect as seen on the movie Matrix.

9 iPhone users: AqbiRec, Yoshiki Kondoh, Yukina, Jet Daisuke, Ken3tv, Hapii, Asakawazu, Shingo Soejima and Motomocomo
Assistant: Koji Sasagawa, Azusa and her son
Making scene,

It is said that their was the third time session for them on thier new Ning page [J]. There is a preceding work by 7 iPhones at the famous Shibuya scramble crossing uploaded, too.

They are calling for 30 iPhone users for the next session to create smoother effect rounding 360 degree.
via Motomocomo Nakiwarai blog [J]
[Update 2010-06-07] The organizer Tanaka Koji/AqbiRec tweeted that they would have a next session, hoping 30 iPhones, at 11:00 a.m. Sunday 13th June. Bring your iPhone 3GS and gather at Yoyogi Park Harajyuku Gate.

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