Google Developer Day 2009 Yokohama

Google held “Google Developer Day 2009“, an annual conference introducing a number of technology trends that the company had recently developed, in Yokohama on Tuesday and started with a keynote speech made by its Tokyo office president Koichiro Tsujino[J].
Following Tsujino’s expressing his appreciation for a large participation in the event, the company’s senior product manager explained how important the newer version of Google Chrome will be, by corresponding to the HTML5 standardization, in terms of its capability of browsing dynamic websites without installing any rich Internet application such as Adobe Flash technology and Microsoft Silverlight technology.
Accompanied with a representative from NTT DoComo, Google’s counterpart to deploy Android cellphone handsets in Japanese market, Tom Moss, the head of developing Android-related business at Google Asia-Pacific, also had a session and encouraged the participants to develop more number of Android applications. Google gave away an Android handset to each of all the participants in the event, just same as it had done at Google I/O Developer Conference in San Francisco last month.
Google Wave“, a new technology that the company intends to release this summer, was also demonstrated and its three developers showed one of the technology’s enabling new features, which is called “Hosted Conversations”.
Kenji Kasahara, the president of Japan’s largest SNS Mixi[J], was invited as a guest presenter, and he emphasized Mixi would be the best platform where social application development can be boosted up since Mixi is absolutely OpenSocial compatible.
Google Phone
Via Maikomi Journal by Mainichi Communications [J]

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