Livedoor Starts Video Search Service


Livedoor started a video search service[J] on its portal, in association with Tokyo-based tech-venture Accessport Inc.   Livedoor adopted Accessport’s video search engine called “Woopie“, and it allows keyword-searching of more than 300 million videos indexed from more than 300 video-sharing sites worldwide.   The service’s search results reflect new videos uploaded to these sites within as little as five minutes from the time of the search.
The retrieved videos are played in an embedded player on Livedoor’s results page, and Livedoor’s bloggers can freely add them to their blog posts.
Accessport was founded two years ago by several engineers from mainland China, and it mainly develops and integrates web application software using open source technologies.   “Woopie” won the Good Design Award in 2008.   This award was set up to evaluate and recommend consumer goods produced by Japanese manufacturers in terms of user functionality and design, originally launched by Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry.


See Also:

News Release from Accessport:  Livedoor Adopts Accessport’s video search engine technology [J]

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