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After The Quake: Social Apps And Web Trends To Help Disaster Relief Efforts

Here’s a follow-up to my previous posts covering the grassroots movements to relieve the devastated areas. GPS-Enabled Map of Scheduled Blackouts: A team of web app developers Boss Yooann, Kabaken, Kazuhiro Kotsutsumi and Yuki Naotori has released this Google Map mash-up.  Without entering your address, it helps you find which hour of the day your… Continue reading After The Quake: Social Apps And Web Trends To Help Disaster Relief Efforts

After The Quake: A Variety Of Web Mashups Collecting Wisdom Of Crowds

Following my previous story on the grassroots movements, here are some of another developments.   Car Activities in Tohoku on Google Map: Google, Honda and Pioneer visualize car activities in Tohoku by using gathered data from communication-enabled car navigation systems. Blue lines stand for routes on which one or more motor vehicles have run on the… Continue reading After The Quake: A Variety Of Web Mashups Collecting Wisdom Of Crowds

After The Quake: Grassroots Movements In The Japanese Internet Community

A massive earthquake attacked the north-eastern part of Japan on Friday afternoon.   Many JSDF troops, fire fighters and foreign rescue workers have been deployed in devastated areas, their physical rescue operations are underway.   Internet users across the country are thinking about what to do to help disaster victims and survive this difficult time.… Continue reading After The Quake: Grassroots Movements In The Japanese Internet Community