Cartoon Illustration Sharing Site Tinami Introduces Streaming Integration And API

Tinami[J], a fourteen-year-old illustration sharing site for cartoonists and animators, completed the integrations with Ustream and Stickam last week, and it now allows users of the service to broadcast live videos of their drawing processes via the two streaming services and to communicate with their fans. Furthermore, the site introduced an API[J] for developers who… Continue reading Cartoon Illustration Sharing Site Tinami Introduces Streaming Integration And API

24 yo Woman Broadcasts Her Death Leap

Stickam Japan is a personal video streaming service, a Japanese version of US, which is said to be owned by Japanese. Today on Stickam Japan, a girl whose handle is _mextli attempted suicide by jumping off her balcony, the 4th floor of apartment, during her live videostream, some watchers wrote on 2 channel BBS.… Continue reading 24 yo Woman Broadcasts Her Death Leap