Bijin Kabuka: Girls Presenting Quotes Make You Hot Even When Markets Are Cold

Bijin Tokei, which is known for having developed a hot girl clock gadget, has developed a new gadget in association with SBI Holdings, a conglomerate of online financial services.  It is called Bijin Kabuka[J] and cute girls show you the realtime quotes every minute.   It aims to entertain market board watchers, they say, and allows… Continue reading Bijin Kabuka: Girls Presenting Quotes Make You Hot Even When Markets Are Cold

Japanese Venture Capital Investments Take Nosedive in 2009

Japan’s venture capital industry is in a very difficult situation. That’s, in a nutshell, the result of a recent Nikkei survey. According to the paper, investments from the nation’s top 20 VC firms dropped a whopping 40% in fiscal 2009 to $711 million. Compared to 2007, that’s even 50% less. To be more concrete, the… Continue reading Japanese Venture Capital Investments Take Nosedive in 2009