Fan’s Made Virtual Singer Hatsune Miku Concert “At Home”

As Google evangelized that Hatsune Miku is an user-generated phenomenon, not just a girl’s voice synthesizer application. Then, all of her characters, song, voice and dances at concerts may not be a possessions of officials. Fans are trying to reproduce her concerts in their rooms. YouTube user aokikc used a mosquito screen as a substitute… Continue reading Fan’s Made Virtual Singer Hatsune Miku Concert “At Home”

Moymoypalaboy Everybody Copied By MMD. So WTF Is MMD?

Moymoypalaboy’s Everybody (Backstreet Boys) is a popular user generated movie played about 3 million times on YouTube. Then what is this movie rapidly adding its played count? From the Japanese title “【MMD】 「顔芸担当」 × 「エアボ兄弟」 でEVERYBODY 【オリジナル】” “[MMD][Kaogei Tantou]x[Eabo Kyodai] de EVERYBODY [Original]”, which shows the left side movie is made by MMD =… Continue reading Moymoypalaboy Everybody Copied By MMD. So WTF Is MMD?