Cut Negative Keywords on Your Blog into Pieces: Kendo Magazine Blog Widget

Kendo is the Japanaese martial art of fencing. A niche magazine for Kendo “Monthly Kendo Jidai (Age of Kendo)” has released a blog widget and made a shattering blow among Japanse blogsphere. The latest issue of Kendo Jidai Kendo Magazine Official BLog Widget Once you set up this widget on your blog and push “Fight!”… Continue reading Cut Negative Keywords on Your Blog into Pieces: Kendo Magazine Blog Widget

“Circle” and “Cross”: Two Japanse web services using Japanse style expression

Newsing is a social bookmark service similar to Digg. The big difference is a coloured circle beside the bookmarked news title. It’s a graphed circle with red and gray and “circle” means thumbs up and “cross” means thumbs down. Users can express their attitude to the bookmarked news by clicking either a red circle… Continue reading “Circle” and “Cross”: Two Japanse web services using Japanse style expression

Nounai-Maker: depicts what your brain is composed of

Nounai-Maker is a joke-service smashed Japanese blogosphere in September, 2007 and still causing a boom among Japanese internet users. What you need to do is simply enter your name to generate the image of “inside of your brain” (Nounai) ; having the same meaning as “inside of your mind”. The cartoon-style image is fulfilled by… Continue reading Nounai-Maker: depicts what your brain is composed of