We’d like to announce the arrival of a weblog called ‘Asiajin’ which introduces Asian Internet startups to English speaking readers.
Asiajin will provide you information about Asian Internet trends, company profiles, key people, communities, conferences and events. We provide you essential information for professionals who want to do business in Asian market.
You may or may not already know us — “Akky” (Hiroki Akimoto) and Shunichi Arai – as we have been active bloggers on the Japanese scene for some time now. Akky’s weblog was voted ‘Alpha blogger’, one of the most prominent blogger awards in Japan whereas the Japanese government identified Arai as a ‘genius programmer’.
We both have technology backgrounds and a deep interest in the Internet industry and after attending a Web related conference in San Francisco, became concerned that Asian startups may be virtually invisible to the rest of the world.
Our objectives are to introduce Asian startups to the world and to strengthen relations between Asian Internet communities.
Asiajin means ‘Asian people’ in Japanese and the name was chosen in order to act as a unifying catalyst for the market in Asia.
At present Asiajin provides articles regarding Japanese companies and is gradually expanding itself to cover broader areas. Two Taiwanese journalists are expected to contribute to Asiajin and Korean startups are expected to be covered in the near future.
Please contact ‘asiajin.info at gmail dot com’ for more information.
Asiajin team. http://asiajin.com/blog/
Asiajin launches
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Please let me be the first one to congratulate you on the launch of this blog!
There is a lot of information to be found on Asiajin already which is very cool.
Now we have the first cool English blog run by Japanese to Asia and the rest of the world.
Hurray !
Congratluations!!! Omedatou gozaimasu for the launch. Look forward to seeing posts about Japanese start-ups or internet/mobile businesses.
Excellent move. Congratulation.
Thank you for all of your kind messages!
If you have any specific requests, please send us, we are going to research with our networks. We think we know web in Japan well, but sometimes hard to see what things are unknown and rather needed to be explained.
And Thank you for your effort to elevate the level of promotional future web services including this owesome achivement.
Hopely this will be the most attractive one!