Yahoo! Japan Opens Figurine and Cosplay SNS “WONDER”

Yahoo Japan Corporation [J] has begun to offer “WONDER!,” [J] a SNS specialized in posting images and a place to express Japanese sub-culture such as figures and cosplay.

“WONDER” is a service that first commercialized from the new business proposal system “Softbank Inoventure,” in which Softbank Group widely recruits employee’s ideas and aims to create businesses.  With this SNS you can post up photos or images of your own works such as comics, figurines, plastic models, or cosplay, and open your collection gallery to the public.  Users can also post comments and hit the “LIKE IT!” button for their favorite goods and artworks, and it’s also possible to share on Facebook and Twitter as well as follow specific users.  It’s compatible with both PC and smartphone, and an iPhone release is planned for the near future.  At present, it’s a service for posting pictures only, but in the future it is planned to support video posting as well.  To log in, Yahoo! JAPAN ID, Facebook, and Twitter accounts are supported.
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