CyberAgent [J] has released a smartphone based photo SNS Tomodachi Nenkan [J] (Friend Yearbook), for posting photos of friends’ faces and socializing.
“Tomodachi Nenkan” is an SNS for posting and sharing photos taken with friends. You take face photos of yourself and friends, apply filters and stamps to make a post, and it’s possible to post any number of photos per day. It automatically arranges friend photos separately, and there are also features such as rating and commenting on other user photos. Posted photos are laid out in a streaming feed, and it’s also possible to view various photos of friends you follow at one time. You can log in not only with an Ameba account but also with a Facebook, Twitter, or mixi account, and you can simultaneously post photos you made to external social network services. At present it’s offered as an iOS app, but an Android version release is also in the works.
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