Video Research, a company providing Japanese television audience rating, also belongs to the nation’s largest ad agency Dentsu group, announced that it is planning to offer a new television viewer rating based on number of tweets [J]. Twitter Japan will assist it by providing hashtag search streaming API.
As a first attempt, Video Research is going to measure two numbers, “tweets per minute, which are related to each program” and the average of its in past 4-weeks.
For better measurement, Video Research and Twitter Japan are to encourage users to tweet with official hashtags, both represent TV station and individual program.
In Japan, Video Research’s Shichouritsu (viewers rating) is used exclusively by national TV networks, and eventually by advertisers. TV stations are competing to gain a few, or even under 1 percent to sell more expensive ad spots, the rating often affect to terminate series of dramas. This time’s alliance may show that more advertisers (then TV stations) now care how their programs are talked on social media.