Young Band RPG “Rock Heroes!” Released For iPhone

Q Entertainment [J] has released an iOS version of the social game “Band Heroes!” now offered for Mobage. [J]
“Band Heroes!” is a young rock band RPG that was until now offered for Mobage for Android.  You form a band with friends, make songs by connecting phrases, rev up your fans at concerts, and aim for the world stage.  There are also collaborations with famous tunes from current artists.  With the iOS version release they commemorate the anniversary of the release of “Band Heroes!” and have incorporated the song “Heavenly Star” by “Genki Rockets” in the minigame in the tutorial at the beginning of the game.  Also until June 21st at 3:00 they will hold the limited term event for the distribution of the popular song “Tentai Kansoku” (Astronomical Observation) (composition by Fujiwara Moto) from the band “BUMP OF CHICKEN,” and only in this period they are offering the “Tentai Kansoku” phrase, instruments sporting the “Tentai Kansoku” motif, interior items, and the special live stage “Bakufu Dome” which only appears during the event period.

(C)2012 Q Entertainment Inc.
Genki Rockets I-Heavenly Star- (DVD付 included [J]

Tentai Kansoku [J]

Translation authorized by VSmedia

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