Mobile Subscribers In Japan: The Latest Numbers

The Telecommunications Carriers Association (TCA) of Japan has released a set of statistics on Japan’s mobile market today, showing that the country had 122.44 million cell phone subscribers last month (out of a total population of 128 million). According to the organization, Japan’s carriers added 569,200 new customers between July and August.
Breaking down the number to individual carriers, the TCA said that:

  • Softbank Mobile gained 239,000 new subscribers on a net basis in August, bringing the total to 26.62 million
  • NTT Docomo came in second with 182,100 subscribers gained (total: 58.79 million)
  • Emobile gained 75,000 new customers (total: 3.42 million)
  • KDDI au attracted 73,000 subscribers (total: 33.53 million)
  • Willcom gained 55,100 subscribers (total: 4.1 million)

According to Wikipedia (which uses slightly outdated numbers for some countries), these statistics make Japan the seventh largest mobile market in the world.

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