Gree’s First And Huge Participation In Tokyo Game Show Announced

Gree, one of Japan’s big two social networking service announced [J] that they would take part in annual Tokyo Game Show 2011 held from September 15 to 18 with “the largest level” booth.
On the release, Gree says that paradigm shift is happening in the game industry, which is expanding with “social” and “online” aspects on social networking services and smart phones whilst new mobile consoles are expected to activate home console market.
Gree is to exhibit its 10 popular games like “Tsuri Star”, “Odoriko Kurinoppe”, etc. Its partner developers like Konami, Capcom, Koei-Techmo and Sega, whose names are familiar for video game players will attend in its huge booth.
Visitors can expect to get special codes for limited virtual items of those games at the event.
According to Game Watch [J], Gree secured 120 units of booth on the event, which is nearly 1/10 of whole 1213 units, which number was on the organizer’s June announcement. So this year, 10% of Tokyo Game Show is under this newcomer, Gree.
Keynote Speech by Gree’s CEO Yoshikazu Tanaka at the third section was also announced.

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