Dentsu Gets Exclusive Rights To Display Ads On Skype

Dentsu has struck another exclusivity deal, this time with Skype. The deal is intended to generate 1 billion of revenue (12.4 million USD) through exclusive display space on the Skype start up screen. Banner / video ads will cover roughly 1/3 of the screen as the program boots and will be cycled through daily .… Continue reading Dentsu Gets Exclusive Rights To Display Ads On Skype

Jedi Of Japanese Traditional Swordplay

Tenshinshō-den Katori Shintō Ryū is a Japanese martial arts said to be established around 15th century. And the word Jedi might be from Japanese, this mash-up seems so natural. originally from Nico Nico Douga, [nicodo]sm14793726[/nicodo] The original Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu film is here, via @yando

Alarm Everyone – Social Wake-up Alarm For iPhone

Alarm Everyone by f4samurai is a new iPhone alarm application which let you and your friends share the same morning alarm. Enjoy getting up in the morning! 1. Wake up at the same time with your lover and exchange messages 2. You and your friends can wake each other up on the day of a… Continue reading Alarm Everyone – Social Wake-up Alarm For iPhone

Lady Gaga Shows Up On A Long-Running Japanese Talkshow

Tetsuko no Heya, a long-running TV talk show hosted by a popular actress Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, who is also known as an UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, is announced to take a session with Lady Gaga. Tetsuko no Heya began in 1976 and has been running over 9,000 times. (Wikipedia Japanese) Gaga side seemed to research the host… Continue reading Lady Gaga Shows Up On A Long-Running Japanese Talkshow

Twitter To Charge Fee For Tweets: False Rumor Makes Japanese Users Panic

Last week, a false rumor telling that you will need to pay to tweet on Twitter from July 1 was widely circulated in Japanese twittersphere. Many of those tweets pointed a single source, Uncyclopedia Japan’s news, titled with “Twitter Japanese version will be switched to a paid service from July”, which explained the background why… Continue reading Twitter To Charge Fee For Tweets: False Rumor Makes Japanese Users Panic

Japan’s Daily Coupon Market: Is Groupon About To Lose Its Top Position To Ponpare?

Japan’s market for daily coupon services is heating up. It has been pretty much a two-horse race for months now, with Groupon Japan as the top player in the market and Recruit’s Ponpare as a close second. In April, for example, Groupon Japan was estimated to have racked up $18.6 million in sales, while Ponpare… Continue reading Japan’s Daily Coupon Market: Is Groupon About To Lose Its Top Position To Ponpare?