We proudly announce that the first Asiajin meetup in Seoul will be held on 16th, October (Saturday). Asiajin co-founder, Shunichi Arai, will visit the city and talk about the situation of the Japanese web and startup industry.
This will be a great opportunity to meet new friends, and learn about the differences between Korean and Japanese web market.
Feel free to join us. Everyone is very welcomed.
Please register from this Eventbrite page.
* Date: 2010 October 16th (Saturday)
* Time: 16:00-18:00 (including Q&A session and networking)
* Topic: Current situation of Japanese web and startup industry.
* Language: English
* Fee: 10,000won
* Place: Mindoole yongto, Shinchon branch (민들레영토 신촌점)
* Map: Google maps
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