Yahoo! Mobage In Abeyance By User Account Trouble

Yahoo! Mobage [J], a pretty huge joint business by two giants, Japan’s largest website Yahoo! Japan and one of Japanese biggest social networking service Mobage Town by DeNA, which had launched on 21st September as a beta, was surceased because there were troubles that some users saw another users’ account when logged in.
The Yahoo! Mobage top page is now only with the apology notice.

According to this notice, users registered on Yahoo! Mobage under the following steps,
1. who already had Mobage Town account on cellphone,
2. visited the Yahoo! Mobage site via Mobage Town info link, then registered Yahoo! Mobage by connecting with Mobage Town account,
3. from 12:50 p.m. 22nd to 09:30 p.m. 23rd
were affected, and their account page and other pages were accessible from another users.
Yahoo! and DeNA says that they have confirmed only 10 users’ account got this trouble. They shut down the beta service at 09:40 p.m. 23rd and it is still being suspended.
On Japanese gigantic bulletin board 2-channel, there was one comment [J] that the person experienced an weird issue on Yahoo! Mobage, which seems exactly the same as the bug above. S/he logged in as a different user who s/he has no idea, Moba-coin (Mobage Town’s virtual point) of the other user could be spent, that person’s cellphone e-mail address was displayed, too.
The beta program will be reopened “when they will be ready”.

See Also:

Mobage town – a mobile social network for teens
Mobage Town forays into PC web from mobile

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