Jsdo.it – Shared HTML5/JavaScript Playground For Geeks

Jsdo.it is a new web developers’ community on which HTML5/JavaScript/CSS programmers can play, share and collaborate with others.
On the site, user can edit HTML/JavaScript/CSS on the left pane, and run them on the right pane.

Your code are publicized with your designating license, and others can “fork” it and make his/her branched version.

Popular JavaScript libraries are callable. Others making code are also possible to include.
Here is one Jsdo.it project sample I randomly took. On this blog widget, all source code can be seen on viewer, and you can play it here.

forked from: Trail Fader – jsdo.it – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS

As licenses are attached to each source code by posters, you can take all needed code to your server outside if it permits.
All time favored ranking may be good place to check what cool designs and effects are made by Japanese web programmers.
Kayac, the company behind Jsdo.it, has already succeeded with the similar type of “code and share” community on Adobe Flash, Wonderfl. Some popular Flash applications made on Wonderfl seem to be transplanted to Jsdo.it already.

Particle 3000 – jsdo.it – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS

JSパーティクル崩し – jsdo.it – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS

Tree in the breeze – jsdo.it – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS

Real Time Ray Tracing – jsdo.it – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS

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