What is iPad – Japanese dub in Hiroshima Dialect

Another great work on NicoNico Douga and YouTube.
This is a presentation “What is iPad”. Not in English nor in typical Japanese but in Hiroshima dialect.
You may not be able to find what is funny if you don’t understand Japanese but a dub made on this video is gaining lots of applause from Japanese users, especially from people who live in Western region of Japan, around Hiroshima.

What is iPad in Hiroshima Dialect
It’s not a typical dub made by a person who can speak clear Japanese and fluent English… words spoken in Hiroshima dialect with quite unique accents compared to standard Japanese. If you’ve visited Tokyo you may feel how it’s strange.
It’s difficult to say what this would be like in English. Not Irish English, not Indian English, even not Japanese English.
What you can say is you may feel warmness behind those words… some friendliness only obtainable from the words made by people who keep living in their hometown since their childhood. It’s not a power obtainable from the text but from the voice.
Comments posted for this video is also heart warming; “I was never interested to iPad. I didn’t know what that is. But this is so funny. I feel like I’m listening words from my grand father. I decided to buy iPad.”
Well, iPad is one of the most cool and world wide targeted product. Could you imagine a guy who lives in… wherever, totally away from California speaking about iPad with words they speak in their local pub? Or just imagine your grand father’s friend is talking about iPad with their own accents and intonations to him. These are not words targeted for people living in all over the world but well communicate for certain people more than the words spoken by the genius, Steve Jobs.
These are words spoken by your local friends, local neighborhoods but broadcasted for all over the world.

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