English guide for Nico Nico Douga, part 2: How to use

UPDATE 31/12/2010:

We wrote a completely new English guide on how to use Nico Nico Douga (click here), so please ignore the version below!
We also offer a new English guide on
how to register for Nico Nico Douga (click here).

The following screenshots explain how to get around on Japanese video site Nico Nico Douga in English (learn how to sign up in English here).
Please click on the pictures to enlarge them!
Note: Nico Nico Douga requires registration in order to be able to view videos.
Screen 1 (top page):

Screen 2 (the page you see after selecting the “game” category, other categories look the same):

Screen 3 (video display page):

UPDATE 31/12/2010:

We wrote a completely new English guide on how to use Nico Nico Douga (click here), so please ignore the version above!


  1.  Wah, thanks a whole lot for these. They help a lot. How do you upload a video might I ask?

  2. <3 just gotten an account and had no idea how to add comments!! thanks a bunch!

  3. hi there i have few answeres is the uploading feature is in a future update it says soo on the app and too add coments you tap bootom of the screen there is a pincel icon you tap that then text your message and click send and your done i did lots of e-3 comments on my nico nico app any more questions i am getting use too nico nico video app soo hope this helps alot

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