Asiajin Meeting Tokyo #1 tonight

victory shake
We have sent e-mail to people who had applied for the first Asiajin Meeting Tokyo at Cybozu Labs, Tameike-San’nou, Minatoku. Please check your e-mail for the event detail. If you need to salvage your spam folder, our sender domain of the mail is, as you might guess, “”.
We are sorry for people to whom we are unabled to secure seats. Please wait event reports from participants. We hope this first one goes well then we will hold another meeting soon.

photo by Zach Taylor. CreativeCommons Attribution License


  1. Thank you and all of the other presenters, guests and Andrew Shuttleworth for livecasting the Asiajin Meeting #1!
    We were very pleased with the outcome and think hard about improvements for the second round.
    Also watch out for the report on the meeting which will appear on this blog soon!

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