GREE Opens Global Site “Come Play GREE”

GREE’s [J] American subsidiary company GREE International has opened “Come Play GREE,” a global promotion site. This site is open to the public for general users overseas.  Including titles planned to be offered from this point on, they are introducing Japan-American social games made by GREE and its partners such as “Zombie Jombie,” “Dino Life,”… Continue reading GREE Opens Global Site “Come Play GREE”

GREE Opens Subsidiary In The US

GREE CEO Yoshikazu Tanaka announced it in June last year, and now the Japanese mobile social gaming giant did make the second step on the road to internationalization (following the mig33 investment in Singapore): it just announced the establishment of GREE International, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary in California. The office will be led by… Continue reading GREE Opens Subsidiary In The US