Do you like Asiajin articles? Want to contribute? We welcome contributors.
What we want
- Japan and Web/IT related news
- Japanese language/culture/media/etc. – we together may make it interesting and Web/IT related.
- Your article must be original, has never posted on other blog instead your own.
- It is better that the news you write has not been covered in non-Japanese blogs/media. If you have something good/new/insightful to add, we do not stick to the first appearance.
- News source should be mentioned and linked appropriately. If the source is only available in Japanese, attach [J] after the link. We prefer our readers can track the original news.
What you get
Your post will have your profile at the bottom, which you may freely edit, even later. There you can guide readers to your sites for deeper knowledge around your fields.
- Chance to promote your (Japan/Japanese/Web/IT/etc.) blogs/sites to Asiajin readers who might be interested in yours
- Access to Asiajin authors chatroom, socialize with others both online and offline
- You will be known as an expert in Japan who understands English. Many Asiajin authors had chances to be contacted by several media/companies/etc. via writings
What we do not want
No self-advertisement. The simple rule for everyone is that you are not supposed to pitch the services/products which you, your employer, or anyone affiliates with you own.
If your article will include something relates to your other business, you need to disclose it in the same post.
- No affiliate links of yours. Some links to online shop will be modified with Asiajin’s affiliate code
Other criteria
Your English text should be understandable. As you might notice, some of the Asiajin authors are non-native English speakers. We must admit that the grammatical deficits makes reading harder, but we do not have much resource to assign proofreader, especially when faster report is required on news.
How to submit
1. Send us HTML text or Word document, with images attached (resized to under 600px in width).
2. If you know WordPress well, register as a reader and let us know it. We changed your role to contributor then you may start writing.
title: all words begin with capital letter
heading: entry body starts with h3 tag, then you may use h4/h5
link: add [J] after the link for external Japanese page
items: use HTML bullets like ul, ol