LinkedIn Chairman-Rakuten CEO Talk Livestreamed Soon

LinkedIn chairman Reid Hoffman is visiting Tokyo to promote his book “The Start-up of You” Japanese version (“Staato Appu!”).
Reid visiting Tokyo
スタートアップ! ― シリコンバレー流成功する自己実現の秘訣
Ustream announced [J] that they are to broadcast Hoffman and Rakuten CEO Hiroshi Mikitani’s talk tonight soon from 19:00 (Japan Standard Time). The talk theme is “Startup in Japan”.

There are English channel and Japanese channel with interpreter.

Streaming by Ustream
[Update] It’s finished. The number of watchers were 900(English) and 4800(Japanese) at the end of the session.
Tomorrow night the same time, Reid Hoffman’s another talk session is planned for Ustream, with Twitter Japan country manager, online insurance company vice-president and a startup consultant.

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