Amazon Japan Running Anime-Porn Game Character Contest

When in Japan do as the Japanese do. Amazon Japan, one of the most successful foreign web companies in Japan, understands good localization.
At the year end, they run a user vote contest to set the best “bishoujo”(beautiful girl) character among adult PC games.

In Japan, huge number of adult anime PC games are sold every year. It is understandable that many of the consumers want to purchase them secretly, i.e. online. It seems it is big also for Amazon Japan. Their best sellers list show that the price range of the packages is between 7,000 yen to 10,000 yen (US$80-$120).
This time, Amazon Japan picked up 49 girls from those best sellers, and asked to vote for one character.
To Amazon Japan’s credit, the contest page is not shown to all Amazon visitors, so do not think that kids or others see it easily. You need to go down into “Game”-“Adult” first then see the banner to reach the page. And if you try to open any detail page of the games, you will be asked if you are over 18 yo.
This page was took up and buzzed among Japanese web users, because for people it was still surprising and interesting that even Amazon doing such campaign.

1 comment

  1. except that it’s tantamount to child pornography in the US. Wouldn’t be good for Amazon if this story got picked up in there. Many of the characters depicted are under-aged girls having forced sex with teachers etc i.e. ジャンル:セレブ学園お嬢様エロ萌えアドベンチャーゲーム

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