Twitter Explained In Two Manga Comics

Mitaka no Chushin de Nau wo Tsubuyaku

I Tweeted
Mitaka no Chushin de Nau wo Tsubuyaku(I Tweeted “Now!” at the Heart of Mitaka)

The manga “Mitaka no Chushin de Nau wo Tsubuyaku” was published by Shogakukan in July 2010 drawn by comic essay cartoonist Yoko Gendai, which is likely the first Twitter manga in Japan, and so probably the world’s first Twitter comic.

In the comic, the author herself experienced Twitter from registration, learned its features, manners and protocols with helped by others. She also had talks with several manga cartoonists who are using Twitter, including Hisashi Eguchi(@eguchinn) and Yoshida Sensha(@yojizen).

Tsuitta! – 4 Koma de Tanoshimu Tonari no Twitter

Tsuitta! - 4 Koma de Tanoshimu Tonari no Twitter
Tsuitta! – 4 Koma de Tanoshimu Tonari no Twitter(Twitter – Joy of Twitter in 4-frame cartoon)

The second Twitter manga planned to be released on 25th this month is a Yonkoma(4-frame style) manga[Wikipedia] from Enterbrain.
The cartoonist Ajiko Kojima wrote about the manga published and showed the characters rough sketch on her Hatena blog.
This manga draws funny anecdotes which Twitter users face regularly.

See Also:

Learn English On Twitter – At Least 5 Japanese Books For That
Japan’s First Twitter Novel Book Is On The Way
5 Evernote books in Japan

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