RubyConf China 2010 To Be Held In Shanghai On June 26

RubyConf China 2010 will be held on June 26th at Shanghai Television University (228 Guoshun Road, cross Yangpu Road) (上海电视大学,国顺路288号).
Last year RubyConf China was held very successfully with 450 attendees. Ruby’s father Matz was treated like a superstar with lots of autograph and photograph requests.
This year, some of the talks will be done in English as contrary to last year’s Chinese only presentations. They hope for more International audiences this year.
This event will be not only a great opportunity to spread Ruby technology to Chinese audiences, but also a great chance to meet with fellow techies in China.
This year’s fixed English talks are:

  • Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto: (TBD)
  • Jared Rosoff: (TBD)
  • Shunichi Arai: Business matters in after-Rails world

They are still accepting talk proposal until end of May.
Disclosure: I (Shunichi Arai) am a speaker and a financial sponsor of RubyConf China 2010.

photo by rubyac (used under creative commons license)

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