I have never heard of a site like this before and have massive doubts about every single aspect of it. But Japanese media claim that Homerare Salon, launched in December last year, is a huge success. So what does it do?
Homerare Salon, which roughly translates to “salon in which you will be praised”, basically wants you to stop moping. All you need to do is to input your name in the starting page, reveal your sex and occupation and push the red confirmation button (the site is only available in Japanese).
Seconds later the screen turns white and dozens of sentences start floating around, praising you with phrases such as “You are so manly, your voice is sexy, I like your style and similar stuff. Every phrase is in sync (to some extent, at least) with your profile. Click on the heart above each sentence to magnify the phrase (in the screenshot above the sentence in bold says: “Serkan, you are cool.”). And that’s all you can do and what the site is about: A virtual consolation service.
Homerare Salon is run by Oita-based Kakula, which also offers a blog widget of the service. The company claims the site sees nearly 100,000 hits a day – absolutely unbelievable.
Via Fuji Sankei [JP]