Asiajin Meeting Tokyo #1 on 26th(Tue), Feb.

We are going to hold our first readers’ meeting on 2/26 (Tue) night.

Asiajin Meeting Tokyo

The meeting will include 5-6 English presentations about 1. popular net services in Japan, or 2. their project/product. Those presentation will be in English by Japanese web entrepreneurs/developers, all of whom heavily use Japanese net services everyday at their office and home.

As it is “Asiajin” meeting, we are aiming at networking under inter-cultural/inter-language atomosphere by this meeting. We are expecting 10-15 non-Japanese Asiajin readers as audience.

At this point, we are asking presentation to several interesting persons, such like a successful blog service director, a huge student BBS founder, serial mashup-sites creator, etc.

Also, non-native-Japanese-speakers’ Japanese presentation are welcome. If no slots are open we will be able to have yours at the 2nd meeting. If you are a perfect J/E bilingual or super linguist, you are supposed to help our meeting as a bilingual presentation mentor 🙂

Who should attend?

We are expecting foreighners in Tokyo who are interested in Web/IT and Japanese/English communication. For some presenters, this might be the first time English presentation in their lives. We expect your kind help to improve their English presentation skills and welcome practicing your Japanese in the discussion, too.


5-6 speakers make presentations
Niji-kai in Akasaka with interested attendees


Cybozu Labs meeting room
2007-02-26(Tuesday) 19:00 start
Akasaka Twin Tower East 15F, 2-17-22 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo map

Power and WiFi are available for guest. The meeting room is kindly sponsered by Cybozu Labs so there is no fee required.
Please secure your seat by submitting following form.
Thank you for your interests. Application was closed

supplemental info for Japanese readers

* 基本的に聞き手には東京在住の外国人を募集しています。日本語が第一言語の方は英語でのプレゼンテーション必須です(他人作の日本語のサービス紹介等でも可。5分以上目安)。予定されるプレゼンテーションのテーマをコメントに書いてください。話者多数の場合は2回目にお願いする可能性があります。


  1. I hope you have a good turnout so that these meetings continue and I will be able to attend in the future. Best of luck!

  2. I hope you will present the meeting by streaming video or upploading the scen on You Tube etc. Audience can help reporting or giving comments on Twitter or Jaiku channel so that everybody (including those living abroad) can participate. Thank you.

  3. Thank you AK. Utilizing net services is a great idea and we will have to use them in the long run. For this first time we are unsure mainly because we are not so used to hold this type of event so will concentrate on event itself.
    If I can know if someone do realtime report from the meeting, I will let you know those URL here.

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