Crowsnest – Twitter Newsreader Service In English And Japanese

Rmake launched Crowsnest as a Beta service.
When logging in by Twitter authentication, you will see latest news on tweets under several several tabs. Tabs are like your regular “timeline”, popular links from tweets by people you are “following”, Yours tweets, Your following marked, some auto-categorized news of IT, live videos, images and blogs.

You may filter/sort the news by how many people tweeted about. Those popular URLs are decided by using both all users and users of your network. You may customize how much you rely on your friends.
Visited links are remembered so you can find the latest hot URLs easily when you check this Crowsnest.
You may also add custom filters to see your own list of tweets/news URLs.
It has basic Twitter client features as well. Mobile version is designed for Android and iPhone.
Current Beta is limited to users who are invited by existing users. I can invite some, if you want, please leave your Twitter account name in comments. [added] Before asking, please follow @Asiajin as it uses Twitter direct message to notify invitation.


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