Tetsuko no Heya, a long-running TV talk show hosted by a popular actress Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, who is also known as an UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, is announced to take a session with Lady Gaga.
Tetsuko no Heya began in 1976 and has been running over 9,000 times. (Wikipedia Japanese) Gaga side seemed to research the host Kuroyanagi is popular with her “Onion” hairstyle, and wore an onion-shaped dress.
(photo credit: TV Asahi)
And net users reactions to it,
Totto is a nickname of Kuroyanagi. Her book Totto-chan was a 1981’s best-seller, translated into several languages.
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Lego Gaga And Totto
It was aired on 11th.
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